Places to go near Muskoka Log Cabin

Places to go near Muskoka Log Cabin


Carry a torch with you (a mobile phone torch will suffice). It is right on your route to the cabin. Interesting cave and with no hyenas present any more.
Maima ma Mbiti (Hyena Caves)
Carry a torch with you (a mobile phone torch will suffice). It is right on your route to the cabin. Interesting cave and with no hyenas present any more.
See the laws of gravity defied. Carry a small ball, a water bottle or some water and watch it roll/flow in the anti-gravity direction. This is a brief stop pretty much on your route to the cabin from Nairobi.
Kituluni Gravity / Magnetic / Magic Hill
C 99
See the laws of gravity defied. Carry a small ball, a water bottle or some water and watch it roll/flow in the anti-gravity direction. This is a brief stop pretty much on your route to the cabin from Nairobi.
Great hike with lovely views from the top. Beware of the steep cliff drop. It's a half hour drive from the cabin.
Kanzalu Range
Great hike with lovely views from the top. Beware of the steep cliff drop. It's a half hour drive from the cabin.