دليل Mahmoud

دليل Mahmoud


Zamalek neighborhood is one of the highest living in the west of Cairo, capital of Egypt and is located on an island located in the center of the Nile, Zamalek Island or Zamalek Turkish speech means the wooden cottages or the Egyptian dialect where the clay island located in the Nile River The starting point for fishermen from the Nile River and gimts from that hardship and who stores their tools from the boats, snorkels and others in those insulting as they were a place for their comments during fishing intervals. The Zamalek was also said to grow frequently in this area. The Zamalek area has been famous for the first quarter of the 20th quarter that it is highest and resorted to the neighborhoods of Cairo and residence for the city's wealthy and a favorite headquarters of embassies and consulates Foreign and foreign diplomatic corps employed in Egypt. The emergence of this neighborhood is due to the fifth century AD, where two separate cases appeared in the place of Zamalek's current Zamalek Island and at the time of the French campaign on Egypt in the late eighteenth century AD, the third island has become a third islands known as Azar And the large and Mustafa Agha and then called these islands and to be bound and confused with each other and confined one island known as the island of Bulaq because it was in front of the village of Bulaq and in 1830 in the era of Mohammed Ali Pasha and the Egyptian then held Mohammed Ali Qasr A great between farms on the northern side of the island and takes him for a walk and entertainment and to reduce the responsibilities of governance, and from here the wealthy and society began to think gradually in possessing land cuts there and building luxury villas and palaces and removal on them With about 40 years, I am miles of the island's palace, which is now turned to the Marriot Hotel now and specifically in 1869 to be the official headquarters of Egypt's foreign guests invited to attend the Suez Canal in the same year, as well as the same time The old Nile Palace bridge between Cairo and Zamalek district, which led to a significant increase in urban activity in the region. The numbers and luxury villas in the region also occurred another major increase in the urban activity in the area after the creation of the old Abu al-Ala bridge The Bulaq neighborhood connects Zamalek, designed by the famous French architect Gustav Eiffel Designer of the Eiffel Tower in the French capital of Paris in the early 20th century and unfortunately, many of them were demolished and the high rise residential towers were built Its place, creating a suffocating crisis in traffic and in places dedicated to parking in the region, because most of the inner streets are non-extra and narrow, as well as for lack of triggers and parking. The Zamalek is currently concentrated in Zamalek, including Ethiopia, Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, Colombia, Tunisia, Algeria and others as headquarters for three famous colleges from Helwan University colleges are the Faculty of Technical Education and College of Musical Education and College Fine arts are also taken by many unofficial and international civil organizations from the Zamalek region as well as the famous and cultural and technical presentations of cultural and artistic events, and their place below the 15th of the bridge, the axis of my emigrant passage Newly created to reduce traffic crisis in district as well as the engineers area that follows Zamalek in terms of the province of Giza and its establishment, the old Abu al-Ola bridge was dismissed and dispensed with his services and also passes in neighborhood another important partner is the focus The October Bridge, which connects Cairo from Easternah in the city of Nasr in its central at the field of Tahrir, and then extends to the West. Dokki and the engineers area and also mentioning that in late 20th century bridge became the old Palace of the Nile Palace is inadequate for the transport movement that has increased over above it has not been designed tolerated, especially with the emergence of cars and buses And so heavy transport, and therefore a bridge was disappointed and a bridge was still working until today. He was opened in June 1933 in the reign of King Fouad and is famous for the four black statues that adorn 2 side in each side. One of the most famous landmarks in Zamalek district of Princess Samih Hussein Kamel Kamel Sultan Hussein Kamel, who ruled Egypt from 1914 to 1917, which is located on Mohamed Mazah Street, one of the important streets in Zamalek district and has built one traders The Jewish grilled in 1902 and its purchase of Princess Samih Hussein Kamel from the owner then was known for her love for the arts, often assessing the concerts of the most famous singers, such as Mohamed Abdel Wahab at her palace, as well as literary salons For the most famous literary and poets of that age as I learned sculpture, painting and photography by the most famous Italian artists, so her palace came university for various art elements, especially elements of Islamic art, and the Princess Samih Hussein completed the palace until he died 1984 and recommended that the palace be used after their death for cultural and technical and indeed. The palace is now transformed into the Greater Cairo Library, which was opened in 1995, which is one of the largest public libraries in Egypt and the Princess Sumih Hussein's Palace has become the rest of Cairo The historical design of its unique and wonderful architecture where modern Islamic-style Islamist is built from Mamluk Islamic schools as we see in the method of building the spirit of Andalusian and Moroccan construction as it appears in the decoration of the Ottoman style and the arts of the European Renaissance and models Romanian and Greek architecture to become the palace almost university technical school for all elements of the arts in different ages as well as among the old landmarks in Zamalek district of Al-Masafi Street, Najd Museum of Islamic style is the Islamic Ceramic Museum Which was built in 1923 by Prince Amr Ibrahim, one of the grandchildren of the Khedi'i Ismail to be his palace and was a lover and his associate of Islamic architecture and then turned to the Islamic Ceramic Museum, consisting of two ground floor and the first and brings together in his style. The architectural and decorative among the technical methods argued in the era of Mohammed Ali Pasha affected by the classic European style on the one hand and between Moroccan, Turkish and Andalusian style methods in harmony and adherent and wonderful consistency. Zamalek district also gardens from Cairo and the world, the fish gardens and the Andalus Park, and also the fish park and is also called the Jablaya Park because there is a wonderful mountain. It is located on Al Jablaya Street on Zamalek Island in Central Cairo Which was also called the former reason for the same reason and has established Jehovah Ismail in 1867 in a plan to make Cairo City Paris East where he held in France for a period of his life to study and live in French capital, including a modern civilian Ali The European Patios is in its general plan, in their ways, streets, fields, hereshic, gardens and public parks and their public parks, and what each to Him, Egypt's rule in 1863, he worked to achieve his dream in making a modern civil capital of Egypt on the style of Paris and the rest The famous European capitals such as Rome, Vienna and London are one of the best and most beautiful gardens established in Cairo in the era of Khedive Ismail, including Orman Park and Zoo in Giza, as well as they are one of the best and most beautiful gardens worldwide and in 1902 and in 1902 Al-Khidawi Abbas Hilmi Al-Khudawi Al-Khatri Al-Khudai Ismail has been included in Giza's zoo management in Giza, which has repaired 24 dedicated basins to display 33 type of Nile fish such as multi-tilapia and fish of different types and fish Blower, exhausted fish, brown fish, nile and peel, whiteness, cream, fans, duplication, ballabay, labis, girls and the nile and the pulse of the Nile and the pulse of all kinds and disaggregated and repeated to the public again on Nov. 21 1902. The Andalusian Park is a garden located in the center of Cairo in Zamalek district in a privileged location where overlooking the Nile River from the east and Ali the first Al Jazira Street from the West and from the north overlooking the pocket studio and from the south overlooking the National Cultural Center or the New Opera House The Nile Palace bridge is this unique and distinctive location located in the center of the diameter of about 3 kilometers on its surrounding a range of largest hotels in Cairo, such as Mariot, Sheraton, Sessellon, Samiramis, Ritz Carlton and Shubar and so easy for guests of these hotels The foreigners were created in 1935 in late King Fouad by the architect Mohammed Zulfikar Mohammed Zulfikar, which has already established the Japanese garden in the suburb of Helwan south of Cairo in 1919 and its area is about two acres Any is about 8400 square meters and consists of two parts of the southern part and calls the Arabian Paradise Park and is on the pattern of Arab-Indolenolic gardens located in southern Spain and there are durable trees such as an enemy tree, which reaches more than 70 years and seconds, the northern part is called The Pharaonic Park and the Garden are registered as a historic impact on the list of Islamic and Historical Effects of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority since 2009. It is also modern in Zamalek neighborhood and is also called the Cairo Tower and is also called the island Tower due to the location of Zamalek Island in central Neil Cairo and this tower was built between 1956 and 1961 from the armed concrete by the engineer The famous architecture at the time Naoum Shabib and reaches his rise to about 187 meters, which is above 43 meters and there is a tourist restaurant on a rotary platform spin of the restaurant so that they can watch the landmarks from all The Tower of Cairo is a rare architecture and built in the form of lotus flower, which is the code of the ancient Pharaonic civilization. The tower includes 16 floors and is based on a base of granite stones and takes the elevator flight from the bottom of the tower up Summit about 45 seconds and at the top there is an amplifier from which a complete panorama of Cairo and the pyramids of Giza and Abu Houl, radio, television and castle and Mohammed Ali Mosque, Hilton Ramses, Sheraton Hotel, Cairo and Sheraton Hotel Semiramis InterContinital The tower has recently been renewed between 2006 and 2008 and the restoration of its concrete structure after they affected the factors of erosion, beautification and adding a new outer lighting system and the establishment of an emergency elevator and the development of the area of the tower entrance. It is also modern features in Zamalek, the New Egyptian Opera House or the National Cultural Center, which was opened on October 10 in 1988, an old opposition land was held on the southern part of Zamalek Nile Island in Cairo and in the face of the Kasr El Nil bridge In the distance between him and the Jalana Bridge and was built on a grant from the Japanese government for its Egyptian counterpart as an alternative to an ancient opera house built in 1869 in the rehabilitation of Ismail and opened with the celebrations of the Suez Canal for navigation in the neighborhood of Azbeya The field, which holds its name until after completely impressed on 28 October in 1971, which was in its general design, movement's tracks inside and dies and all its equipment, its facilities, its facilities and a lounge and a lounge is geared the finest and most luxurious role in countries Europe, such as Paris Opera House and the famous Vienna Opera. It is also modern features in Zamalek neighborhood of Marriott Cairo, which was before this is called Al-Jazeera, which was built by Al-Khedui Ismail in 1869 as our desire to say, and he passed after Khhevi Ismail on the rule of Egypt in 1879, with bad circumstances and events Marriott International Marriott International has completed this ancient hotel, which has an enormous shift in the history of this palace, where it has been restored, repaired and renovated and renewably renovated as well as the gardens. The acres of any 25 thousand square meters has also been built on a two-floating 20-storey 20-consuming 2050 guestrooms and luxurious suite are Zamalek Tower and Al Jazeera with the original palace consisting of 5 floors His previous and previous instance of the hotel's reception, restaurants, meeting rooms and celebration halls and the palace and the palace and the two-sided swimming pool, including a large swimming pool, and the new hotel has been opened in 1982 and a hotel Al-Marout is currently plushed and the largest hotels in Cairo and features its outstanding location on the Nile in the center of Zamalek Island and on the nearby island of Zamalek is also a group of leading landmarks and aids of Cairo that are keen each visitors whether Arab or foreigners to visit It is very long for Tahrir Square in central Cairo, where the Egyptian museum and the heart of Cairo's sephrat are on its streets, fields, buildings, facilities and historical historical sights. And to all of the most recent landmarks in Zamalek district, most notably the Arabic language complex, the Novotel Hotel, the Ambassador of Zamalek, Al Jazeera Sports Club, Al Jazeera Club, Cairo Club, Al Jazeera Youth Center, the Club of Police Officers and the Club of the police officers The board of directors in mid-1952 served as a challenge between King Farouk and the organization of free officers, where Major General Mohammad Najib won the leader of the pedestrian candidate on the candidate of King Hussein Sari Amer, who has angered the king's anger, Steadily on the dissolution of the Board of Directors after his election and the sharp crisis has occurred, and reached a dead end and praised Hussein Sri Pasha, the Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers then resigned to King Farouk, who tried to fulfill it but insisted on it The revolution of July 23, 1952, was later, and ended with the property in Egypt and in addition to the Malakk, with Zamalek, a group of theaters, including the theater of Zamalek, the river theater, the pocket theater and Pashbashi Theater and Pashbashi Theater and Pashbashi Theater It has a group of mosques and churches, including Zamalek Mosque, Mosque and Mosque and Mosque Nashat Pasha and the Church of San Joseph Catholic and the episcopalicine and the Church of Mrs. Maryam Virgin in Marshli and finally. There is a building A famous Zamalek district calls Libon building is one of the most famous Cairo buildings and Egypt generally was keen to have many celebrities. The most famous streets of Zamalek neighborhood of Sabry Pasha Street and was president of the Council of Egypt in the reign of King Farouk in 1940 and the Abu al-Fida Street overlooking the Nile and on the Orascom brigadier, which is unofficial to many people and spread Many clubs, casinos and parks that people are frequented from inside and outside the neighborhood to enjoy the monartan Nile River. One of the most important streets of Zamalek neighborhood of Zamalek, the streets of Mohamed Mazah, Sari Al Jazeera, Moshefi and Ismail Mohammed and Jamiri also keen many of the flags of society and prominent people to take a selected residence and housing, including Princess Samih Hussein Kamel The middle of the Sultan Hussein Kamel as our desire to say and Prince Amr Ibrahim, one of the grandchildren of the Khedui Ismail and Prince Mohammed Taher Pasha Ibn Princess Amina Aunt King Farouk and the son of Khedui Ismail and Journalist Founder of the news of the day Mustafa Amin The artist Abu al-Saud Al-Abyari and artist Ismail Yass and the artist Suad Hosni and the artist Suad Hosni and the artist Mahmoud al-Maliji and the great league Mohammed Abdul Wahab and the great singer Al-Nandalela Asmar Abdul Halim Hafez and the Pact of the East Singing Lady Arab or Kalthum and the large artist Lady Arabic Lady Dove and the artist Yosra and the artist Hussein Imam and artist Izzat Abu Auf and artist Fouad Al-Mohandes and the artist Please and artist Amir Munib and others
36 abantu bendawo batusa
36 abantu bendawo batusa
Zamalek neighborhood is one of the highest living in the west of Cairo, capital of Egypt and is located on an island located in the center of the Nile, Zamalek Island or Zamalek Turkish speech means the wooden cottages or the Egyptian dialect where the clay island located in the Nile River The starting point for fishermen from the Nile River and gimts from that hardship and who stores their tools from the boats, snorkels and others in those insulting as they were a place for their comments during fishing intervals. The Zamalek was also said to grow frequently in this area. The Zamalek area has been famous for the first quarter of the 20th quarter that it is highest and resorted to the neighborhoods of Cairo and residence for the city's wealthy and a favorite headquarters of embassies and consulates Foreign and foreign diplomatic corps employed in Egypt. The emergence of this neighborhood is due to the fifth century AD, where two separate cases appeared in the place of Zamalek's current Zamalek Island and at the time of the French campaign on Egypt in the late eighteenth century AD, the third island has become a third islands known as Azar And the large and Mustafa Agha and then called these islands and to be bound and confused with each other and confined one island known as the island of Bulaq because it was in front of the village of Bulaq and in 1830 in the era of Mohammed Ali Pasha and the Egyptian then held Mohammed Ali Qasr A great between farms on the northern side of the island and takes him for a walk and entertainment and to reduce the responsibilities of governance, and from here the wealthy and society began to think gradually in possessing land cuts there and building luxury villas and palaces and removal on them With about 40 years, I am miles of the island's palace, which is now turned to the Marriot Hotel now and specifically in 1869 to be the official headquarters of Egypt's foreign guests invited to attend the Suez Canal in the same year, as well as the same time The old Nile Palace bridge between Cairo and Zamalek district, which led to a significant increase in urban activity in the region. The numbers and luxury villas in the region also occurred another major increase in the urban activity in the area after the creation of the old Abu al-Ala bridge The Bulaq neighborhood connects Zamalek, designed by the famous French architect Gustav Eiffel Designer of the Eiffel Tower in the French capital of Paris in the early 20th century and unfortunately, many of them were demolished and the high rise residential towers were built Its place, creating a suffocating crisis in traffic and in places dedicated to parking in the region, because most of the inner streets are non-extra and narrow, as well as for lack of triggers and parking. The Zamalek is currently concentrated in Zamalek, including Ethiopia, Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, Colombia, Tunisia, Algeria and others as headquarters for three famous colleges from Helwan University colleges are the Faculty of Technical Education and College of Musical Education and College Fine arts are also taken by many unofficial and international civil organizations from the Zamalek region as well as the famous and cultural and technical presentations of cultural and artistic events, and their place below the 15th of the bridge, the axis of my emigrant passage Newly created to reduce traffic crisis in district as well as the engineers area that follows Zamalek in terms of the province of Giza and its establishment, the old Abu al-Ola bridge was dismissed and dispensed with his services and also passes in neighborhood another important partner is the focus The October Bridge, which connects Cairo from Easternah in the city of Nasr in its central at the field of Tahrir, and then extends to the West. Dokki and the engineers area and also mentioning that in late 20th century bridge became the old Palace of the Nile Palace is inadequate for the transport movement that has increased over above it has not been designed tolerated, especially with the emergence of cars and buses And so heavy transport, and therefore a bridge was disappointed and a bridge was still working until today. He was opened in June 1933 in the reign of King Fouad and is famous for the four black statues that adorn 2 side in each side. One of the most famous landmarks in Zamalek district of Princess Samih Hussein Kamel Kamel Sultan Hussein Kamel, who ruled Egypt from 1914 to 1917, which is located on Mohamed Mazah Street, one of the important streets in Zamalek district and has built one traders The Jewish grilled in 1902 and its purchase of Princess Samih Hussein Kamel from the owner then was known for her love for the arts, often assessing the concerts of the most famous singers, such as Mohamed Abdel Wahab at her palace, as well as literary salons For the most famous literary and poets of that age as I learned sculpture, painting and photography by the most famous Italian artists, so her palace came university for various art elements, especially elements of Islamic art, and the Princess Samih Hussein completed the palace until he died 1984 and recommended that the palace be used after their death for cultural and technical and indeed. The palace is now transformed into the Greater Cairo Library, which was opened in 1995, which is one of the largest public libraries in Egypt and the Princess Sumih Hussein's Palace has become the rest of Cairo The historical design of its unique and wonderful architecture where modern Islamic-style Islamist is built from Mamluk Islamic schools as we see in the method of building the spirit of Andalusian and Moroccan construction as it appears in the decoration of the Ottoman style and the arts of the European Renaissance and models Romanian and Greek architecture to become the palace almost university technical school for all elements of the arts in different ages as well as among the old landmarks in Zamalek district of Al-Masafi Street, Najd Museum of Islamic style is the Islamic Ceramic Museum Which was built in 1923 by Prince Amr Ibrahim, one of the grandchildren of the Khedi'i Ismail to be his palace and was a lover and his associate of Islamic architecture and then turned to the Islamic Ceramic Museum, consisting of two ground floor and the first and brings together in his style. The architectural and decorative among the technical methods argued in the era of Mohammed Ali Pasha affected by the classic European style on the one hand and between Moroccan, Turkish and Andalusian style methods in harmony and adherent and wonderful consistency. Zamalek district also gardens from Cairo and the world, the fish gardens and the Andalus Park, and also the fish park and is also called the Jablaya Park because there is a wonderful mountain. It is located on Al Jablaya Street on Zamalek Island in Central Cairo Which was also called the former reason for the same reason and has established Jehovah Ismail in 1867 in a plan to make Cairo City Paris East where he held in France for a period of his life to study and live in French capital, including a modern civilian Ali The European Patios is in its general plan, in their ways, streets, fields, hereshic, gardens and public parks and their public parks, and what each to Him, Egypt's rule in 1863, he worked to achieve his dream in making a modern civil capital of Egypt on the style of Paris and the rest The famous European capitals such as Rome, Vienna and London are one of the best and most beautiful gardens established in Cairo in the era of Khedive Ismail, including Orman Park and Zoo in Giza, as well as they are one of the best and most beautiful gardens worldwide and in 1902 and in 1902 Al-Khidawi Abbas Hilmi Al-Khudawi Al-Khatri Al-Khudai Ismail has been included in Giza's zoo management in Giza, which has repaired 24 dedicated basins to display 33 type of Nile fish such as multi-tilapia and fish of different types and fish Blower, exhausted fish, brown fish, nile and peel, whiteness, cream, fans, duplication, ballabay, labis, girls and the nile and the pulse of the Nile and the pulse of all kinds and disaggregated and repeated to the public again on Nov. 21 1902. The Andalusian Park is a garden located in the center of Cairo in Zamalek district in a privileged location where overlooking the Nile River from the east and Ali the first Al Jazira Street from the West and from the north overlooking the pocket studio and from the south overlooking the National Cultural Center or the New Opera House The Nile Palace bridge is this unique and distinctive location located in the center of the diameter of about 3 kilometers on its surrounding a range of largest hotels in Cairo, such as Mariot, Sheraton, Sessellon, Samiramis, Ritz Carlton and Shubar and so easy for guests of these hotels The foreigners were created in 1935 in late King Fouad by the architect Mohammed Zulfikar Mohammed Zulfikar, which has already established the Japanese garden in the suburb of Helwan south of Cairo in 1919 and its area is about two acres Any is about 8400 square meters and consists of two parts of the southern part and calls the Arabian Paradise Park and is on the pattern of Arab-Indolenolic gardens located in southern Spain and there are durable trees such as an enemy tree, which reaches more than 70 years and seconds, the northern part is called The Pharaonic Park and the Garden are registered as a historic impact on the list of Islamic and Historical Effects of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority since 2009. It is also modern in Zamalek neighborhood and is also called the Cairo Tower and is also called the island Tower due to the location of Zamalek Island in central Neil Cairo and this tower was built between 1956 and 1961 from the armed concrete by the engineer The famous architecture at the time Naoum Shabib and reaches his rise to about 187 meters, which is above 43 meters and there is a tourist restaurant on a rotary platform spin of the restaurant so that they can watch the landmarks from all The Tower of Cairo is a rare architecture and built in the form of lotus flower, which is the code of the ancient Pharaonic civilization. The tower includes 16 floors and is based on a base of granite stones and takes the elevator flight from the bottom of the tower up Summit about 45 seconds and at the top there is an amplifier from which a complete panorama of Cairo and the pyramids of Giza and Abu Houl, radio, television and castle and Mohammed Ali Mosque, Hilton Ramses, Sheraton Hotel, Cairo and Sheraton Hotel Semiramis InterContinital The tower has recently been renewed between 2006 and 2008 and the restoration of its concrete structure after they affected the factors of erosion, beautification and adding a new outer lighting system and the establishment of an emergency elevator and the development of the area of the tower entrance. It is also modern features in Zamalek, the New Egyptian Opera House or the National Cultural Center, which was opened on October 10 in 1988, an old opposition land was held on the southern part of Zamalek Nile Island in Cairo and in the face of the Kasr El Nil bridge In the distance between him and the Jalana Bridge and was built on a grant from the Japanese government for its Egyptian counterpart as an alternative to an ancient opera house built in 1869 in the rehabilitation of Ismail and opened with the celebrations of the Suez Canal for navigation in the neighborhood of Azbeya The field, which holds its name until after completely impressed on 28 October in 1971, which was in its general design, movement's tracks inside and dies and all its equipment, its facilities, its facilities and a lounge and a lounge is geared the finest and most luxurious role in countries Europe, such as Paris Opera House and the famous Vienna Opera. It is also modern features in Zamalek neighborhood of Marriott Cairo, which was before this is called Al-Jazeera, which was built by Al-Khedui Ismail in 1869 as our desire to say, and he passed after Khhevi Ismail on the rule of Egypt in 1879, with bad circumstances and events Marriott International Marriott International has completed this ancient hotel, which has an enormous shift in the history of this palace, where it has been restored, repaired and renovated and renewably renovated as well as the gardens. The acres of any 25 thousand square meters has also been built on a two-floating 20-storey 20-consuming 2050 guestrooms and luxurious suite are Zamalek Tower and Al Jazeera with the original palace consisting of 5 floors His previous and previous instance of the hotel's reception, restaurants, meeting rooms and celebration halls and the palace and the palace and the two-sided swimming pool, including a large swimming pool, and the new hotel has been opened in 1982 and a hotel Al-Marout is currently plushed and the largest hotels in Cairo and features its outstanding location on the Nile in the center of Zamalek Island and on the nearby island of Zamalek is also a group of leading landmarks and aids of Cairo that are keen each visitors whether Arab or foreigners to visit It is very long for Tahrir Square in central Cairo, where the Egyptian museum and the heart of Cairo's sephrat are on its streets, fields, buildings, facilities and historical historical sights. And to all of the most recent landmarks in Zamalek district, most notably the Arabic language complex, the Novotel Hotel, the Ambassador of Zamalek, Al Jazeera Sports Club, Al Jazeera Club, Cairo Club, Al Jazeera Youth Center, the Club of Police Officers and the Club of the police officers The board of directors in mid-1952 served as a challenge between King Farouk and the organization of free officers, where Major General Mohammad Najib won the leader of the pedestrian candidate on the candidate of King Hussein Sari Amer, who has angered the king's anger, Steadily on the dissolution of the Board of Directors after his election and the sharp crisis has occurred, and reached a dead end and praised Hussein Sri Pasha, the Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers then resigned to King Farouk, who tried to fulfill it but insisted on it The revolution of July 23, 1952, was later, and ended with the property in Egypt and in addition to the Malakk, with Zamalek, a group of theaters, including the theater of Zamalek, the river theater, the pocket theater and Pashbashi Theater and Pashbashi Theater and Pashbashi Theater It has a group of mosques and churches, including Zamalek Mosque, Mosque and Mosque and Mosque Nashat Pasha and the Church of San Joseph Catholic and the episcopalicine and the Church of Mrs. Maryam Virgin in Marshli and finally. There is a building A famous Zamalek district calls Libon building is one of the most famous Cairo buildings and Egypt generally was keen to have many celebrities. The most famous streets of Zamalek neighborhood of Sabry Pasha Street and was president of the Council of Egypt in the reign of King Farouk in 1940 and the Abu al-Fida Street overlooking the Nile and on the Orascom brigadier, which is unofficial to many people and spread Many clubs, casinos and parks that people are frequented from inside and outside the neighborhood to enjoy the monartan Nile River. One of the most important streets of Zamalek neighborhood of Zamalek, the streets of Mohamed Mazah, Sari Al Jazeera, Moshefi and Ismail Mohammed and Jamiri also keen many of the flags of society and prominent people to take a selected residence and housing, including Princess Samih Hussein Kamel The middle of the Sultan Hussein Kamel as our desire to say and Prince Amr Ibrahim, one of the grandchildren of the Khedui Ismail and Prince Mohammed Taher Pasha Ibn Princess Amina Aunt King Farouk and the son of Khedui Ismail and Journalist Founder of the news of the day Mustafa Amin The artist Abu al-Saud Al-Abyari and artist Ismail Yass and the artist Suad Hosni and the artist Suad Hosni and the artist Mahmoud al-Maliji and the great league Mohammed Abdul Wahab and the great singer Al-Nandalela Asmar Abdul Halim Hafez and the Pact of the East Singing Lady Arab or Kalthum and the large artist Lady Arabic Lady Dove and the artist Yosra and the artist Hussein Imam and artist Izzat Abu Auf and artist Fouad Al-Mohandes and the artist Please and artist Amir Munib and others

مشهد الطعام

Located in Zamalek, directly across from the Zamalek Marriott, Maison Thomas serves amazing Italian pizza with a special thin crust and plenty of mozzarella cheese on top. The restaurant's menu focuses on authentic Italian pizza, and there are over 25 different types, ranging from vegetarian versions to personal creations with innovative combinations, such as the Monaco Fossil with smoked roast beef or the Albasirma pizza with pastrami. Maison Thomas also offers a wide range of pasta dishes, baguettes, hot sandwiches, quiches and a few salads as a healthy option. 15 July 26 Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, +
26 abantu bendawo batusa
16 26 July St
26 abantu bendawo batusa
Located in Zamalek, directly across from the Zamalek Marriott, Maison Thomas serves amazing Italian pizza with a special thin crust and plenty of mozzarella cheese on top. The restaurant's menu focuses on authentic Italian pizza, and there are over 25 different types, ranging from vegetarian versions to personal creations with innovative combinations, such as the Monaco Fossil with smoked roast beef or the Albasirma pizza with pastrami. Maison Thomas also offers a wide range of pasta dishes, baguettes, hot sandwiches, quiches and a few salads as a healthy option. 15 July 26 Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, +
Abou El Sid Restaurant is one of the most famous Egyptian restaurants in Cairo. It serves authentic Egyptian cuisine that dates back to the Fatimid state. The menu includes a variety of appetizers. The atmosphere of the restaurant is charming with woodwork, overhead lighting, and classical Egyptian music. Large tables for groups. The general manager of the "Abu El Sid" restaurant chain, Ibrahim Abdel Hafeez, says that the first restaurant bearing the name "Abu El Sid" was opened in 1999, in the Zamalek district in Cairo, and the people in charge of the restaurant are always keen to find harmony and harmony between the choice of designs and interior engineering and between Always innovative menus. He explained that the restaurant, with its distinctive style, attracts local customers and foreign tourists who are looking for a distinctive atmosphere and high-end services. The opening of the Abu El Sid Restaurant is a touching story, as there was a poor, unfortunate man named Abu El Sid, who was famous for preparing sumptuous Egyptian meals, and news of his delicious dishes reached the ears of the king, who asked him to be his cook in the palace, but prevented him from leaving the palace, For a while, Abu El-Sid began to feel longing for his family and friends, and finally, the king agreed to let the skilled cook leave the palace, but he stipulated a condition on him, that he hand over the secrets of cooking to the palace. Abu al-Sid refused to hand over the secrets of the kitchen to the palace, and hurried to hide the book containing his secrets and recipes in a small house, and the angry king ordered Abu al-Sid's imprisonment, so the poor man spent the rest of his life in prison. The owners of Abou El Sid Restaurant heard this story, so they headed to Abou El Sid’s small house, where they found his recipe book. They established a restaurant that was true to his traditional style and cuisine. People came from all over Egypt to enjoy his food, captivated by the traditional charm of the place and savoring the best food. Abdel Hafeez indicated that the locations and branches of the "Abu El Sayed" restaurant are represented in Zamalek, 157, 26th of July Street, next to Diwant Library,
39 abantu bendawo batusa
Abou El Sid Restaurant
157 26th of July Corridor
39 abantu bendawo batusa
Abou El Sid Restaurant is one of the most famous Egyptian restaurants in Cairo. It serves authentic Egyptian cuisine that dates back to the Fatimid state. The menu includes a variety of appetizers. The atmosphere of the restaurant is charming with woodwork, overhead lighting, and classical Egyptian music. Large tables for groups. The general manager of the "Abu El Sid" restaurant chain, Ibrahim Abdel Hafeez, says that the first restaurant bearing the name "Abu El Sid" was opened in 1999, in the Zamalek district in Cairo, and the people in charge of the restaurant are always keen to find harmony and harmony between the choice of designs and interior engineering and between Always innovative menus. He explained that the restaurant, with its distinctive style, attracts local customers and foreign tourists who are looking for a distinctive atmosphere and high-end services. The opening of the Abu El Sid Restaurant is a touching story, as there was a poor, unfortunate man named Abu El Sid, who was famous for preparing sumptuous Egyptian meals, and news of his delicious dishes reached the ears of the king, who asked him to be his cook in the palace, but prevented him from leaving the palace, For a while, Abu El-Sid began to feel longing for his family and friends, and finally, the king agreed to let the skilled cook leave the palace, but he stipulated a condition on him, that he hand over the secrets of cooking to the palace. Abu al-Sid refused to hand over the secrets of the kitchen to the palace, and hurried to hide the book containing his secrets and recipes in a small house, and the angry king ordered Abu al-Sid's imprisonment, so the poor man spent the rest of his life in prison. The owners of Abou El Sid Restaurant heard this story, so they headed to Abou El Sid’s small house, where they found his recipe book. They established a restaurant that was true to his traditional style and cuisine. People came from all over Egypt to enjoy his food, captivated by the traditional charm of the place and savoring the best food. Abdel Hafeez indicated that the locations and branches of the "Abu El Sayed" restaurant are represented in Zamalek, 157, 26th of July Street, next to Diwant Library,