Cathedral of St. James Šibenik

Cathedral of St. James Šibenik


zbog svoje ljepote i jedinstvenosti. šibenska katedrala Sv. Jakova se nalazi na UNESCO-vom popisu Svjetske baštine.
447 abantu bendawo batusa
IKathidrali kaSt James eSibenik
1 Trg Republike Hrvatske
447 abantu bendawo batusa
zbog svoje ljepote i jedinstvenosti. šibenska katedrala Sv. Jakova se nalazi na UNESCO-vom popisu Svjetske baštine.
Tvrđava sv. Mihovila najstarija je od četiri šibenske tvrđave, a ime je dobila po arkanđelu Mihovila koji je ujedno i zaštitnik grada. Ovo zdanje ima bogatu i burnu povijest tijekom koje je pretrpjelo mnogo štete u raznim sukobima, ali je tvrđava uvijek iznova obnavljana, posljednji put u 18. stoljeću. Međutim, ono što ovu tvrđavu čini zaista posebnom je njezina lokacija. S Tvrđave sv. Mihovila pruža se nevjerojatan pogled na Krku i cijeli Šibenski zaljev, a zalasci sunca promatrani s ovog mjesta su nešto što je zaista teško riječima opisati. Uz sve ovo, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila opremljena je i pozornicom i tribinama koje primaju oko 1000 ljudi. Zbog toga se ovdje ljeti organiziraju razni koncerti i predstave koji pod zvijezdama i u ovakvom okuženju postaju nešto zaista čarobno. Dobijete li priliku prisustvovati nečem takvom, posebice ako ste u gradu s voljenom osobom, nemojte ju propustiti ni za što.
363 abantu bendawo batusa
Isivivinyo saseSt. Michael
21 Zagrađe
363 abantu bendawo batusa
Tvrđava sv. Mihovila najstarija je od četiri šibenske tvrđave, a ime je dobila po arkanđelu Mihovila koji je ujedno i zaštitnik grada. Ovo zdanje ima bogatu i burnu povijest tijekom koje je pretrpjelo mnogo štete u raznim sukobima, ali je tvrđava uvijek iznova obnavljana, posljednji put u 18. stoljeću. Međutim, ono što ovu tvrđavu čini zaista posebnom je njezina lokacija. S Tvrđave sv. Mihovila pruža se nevjerojatan pogled na Krku i cijeli Šibenski zaljev, a zalasci sunca promatrani s ovog mjesta su nešto što je zaista teško riječima opisati. Uz sve ovo, Tvrđava sv. Mihovila opremljena je i pozornicom i tribinama koje primaju oko 1000 ljudi. Zbog toga se ovdje ljeti organiziraju razni koncerti i predstave koji pod zvijezdama i u ovakvom okuženju postaju nešto zaista čarobno. Dobijete li priliku prisustvovati nečem takvom, posebice ako ste u gradu s voljenom osobom, nemojte ju propustiti ni za što.
Tvrđava sv. Nikole vjerojatno je najpoznatija od sve četiri šibenske tvrđave jer se radi o drugom spomeniku iz ovog grada koji se ponosi činjenicom da je dio UNESCO-ve Svjetske baštine. No, osim toga, sigurno će vas osvojiti i lokacija ovog zdanja. Naime, Tvrđava sv. Nikole izgrađena je na malenom otočiću Ljuljevcu u zaljevu ispred grada kojeg zauzima gotovo u potpunosti.  Odlučite li se u grad doći brodom, čeka vas zaista vrlo poseban prizor, ali ako ste do Šibenika došli i kopnenim putem nećete biti ništa manje impresionirani. Naprotiv, do nje vodi jako lijepa šetnica tako da možete uživati u suncu, moru i jedinstvenom spomeniku kulture. Svakako treba reći da je tvrđava kroz sva ova stoljeća zadržala izvorna renesansna arhitektonska rješenja, a nedavno je i restaurirana tako da sada blista u punom sjaju. Odvojite malo vremena za posjet ovoj ljepotici i sigurno nećete požaliti.
10 abantu bendawo batusa
Fortress of St. Nicolas
10 abantu bendawo batusa
Tvrđava sv. Nikole vjerojatno je najpoznatija od sve četiri šibenske tvrđave jer se radi o drugom spomeniku iz ovog grada koji se ponosi činjenicom da je dio UNESCO-ve Svjetske baštine. No, osim toga, sigurno će vas osvojiti i lokacija ovog zdanja. Naime, Tvrđava sv. Nikole izgrađena je na malenom otočiću Ljuljevcu u zaljevu ispred grada kojeg zauzima gotovo u potpunosti.  Odlučite li se u grad doći brodom, čeka vas zaista vrlo poseban prizor, ali ako ste do Šibenika došli i kopnenim putem nećete biti ništa manje impresionirani. Naprotiv, do nje vodi jako lijepa šetnica tako da možete uživati u suncu, moru i jedinstvenom spomeniku kulture. Svakako treba reći da je tvrđava kroz sva ova stoljeća zadržala izvorna renesansna arhitektonska rješenja, a nedavno je i restaurirana tako da sada blista u punom sjaju. Odvojite malo vremena za posjet ovoj ljepotici i sigurno nećete požaliti.
Nakon ulaska u ovu staru kamenu kuću koja se nalazi 50m od Vodičke katedrale, krenite na putovanje koje oživljava stanovnike Jadranskog mora. Ovaj akvarij-terarij je mali zoološki vrt u kojem možete iskusiti dubine mora, rijeka i jezera te upoznati razne zanimljive ribe i gmazove koji žive u Jadranskom moru.
AQUARIUM Muzej Vodice
Ulica Obale Matice Hrvatske
Nakon ulaska u ovu staru kamenu kuću koja se nalazi 50m od Vodičke katedrale, krenite na putovanje koje oživljava stanovnike Jadranskog mora. Ovaj akvarij-terarij je mali zoološki vrt u kojem možete iskusiti dubine mora, rijeka i jezera te upoznati razne zanimljive ribe i gmazove koji žive u Jadranskom moru.
If you start from Vodice on the way to Zadar, you will see the natural phenomenon of the proximity of two equally beautiful and yet so different blue waters. On one side, the indented Adriatic coast, known for its alluring beauty and cleanliness, and on the other, the largest natural lake in Croatia. As one of the rare, almost untouched natural habitats of waterfowl, with sources of drinking water and an area of ​​peculiar specificity and biodiversity, 21.07.1999. Mr. Vrana Lake with the surrounding area was declared a Nature Park. The borders of the Park are located between Pirovac and Pakoštan. The park is 57 km2 in size, and the largest part of 30.2 km2 refers to Lake Vrana, which is laid out in a northwest-southeast direction and stretches parallel to the sea coast, from which it is less than a kilometer away in some places. Due to its position and characteristics, it is specific in Croatia, but also in the wider European area. The dominant feature of the Park is the Special Ornithological Reserve, which, due to its preservation of the large reeds on the NW part of the lake as a rare wetland system, great biodiversity, exceptional scientific and ecological value, received this status back in 1983 and was included in the list of important ornithological areas in Europe ( Important Bird Areas in Europe). It is an unusual compromise and an extraordinary combination of land and water that shelters the most diverse plants and animals, offering them everything they need for life. Overgrown with grass, rushes, sedges and reeds, it partly resembles a lawn interspersed with shallow ponds, covered with perennial flowers with gorgeous colors and a multitude of butterflies, dragonflies and other various insects, which favors the life of birds throughout the year, which, apart from the reserve, reside in the entire area of ​​the Park. In the reeds of the Nature Park, bird lovers can have an unforgettable experience watching the life of birds, their nesting and care for the young from their hiding place.
36 abantu bendawo batusa
Vransko jezero - ulaz za posjetitelje, info centar Crkvine
36 abantu bendawo batusa
If you start from Vodice on the way to Zadar, you will see the natural phenomenon of the proximity of two equally beautiful and yet so different blue waters. On one side, the indented Adriatic coast, known for its alluring beauty and cleanliness, and on the other, the largest natural lake in Croatia. As one of the rare, almost untouched natural habitats of waterfowl, with sources of drinking water and an area of ​​peculiar specificity and biodiversity, 21.07.1999. Mr. Vrana Lake with the surrounding area was declared a Nature Park. The borders of the Park are located between Pirovac and Pakoštan. The park is 57 km2 in size, and the largest part of 30.2 km2 refers to Lake Vrana, which is laid out in a northwest-southeast direction and stretches parallel to the sea coast, from which it is less than a kilometer away in some places. Due to its position and characteristics, it is specific in Croatia, but also in the wider European area. The dominant feature of the Park is the Special Ornithological Reserve, which, due to its preservation of the large reeds on the NW part of the lake as a rare wetland system, great biodiversity, exceptional scientific and ecological value, received this status back in 1983 and was included in the list of important ornithological areas in Europe ( Important Bird Areas in Europe). It is an unusual compromise and an extraordinary combination of land and water that shelters the most diverse plants and animals, offering them everything they need for life. Overgrown with grass, rushes, sedges and reeds, it partly resembles a lawn interspersed with shallow ponds, covered with perennial flowers with gorgeous colors and a multitude of butterflies, dragonflies and other various insects, which favors the life of birds throughout the year, which, apart from the reserve, reside in the entire area of ​​the Park. In the reeds of the Nature Park, bird lovers can have an unforgettable experience watching the life of birds, their nesting and care for the young from their hiding place.
It was built in 1646 northeast of Šibenik's historical core and former city walls, at the same time as the fortress of St. Ivan, and together with her played a significant role in the defense of the city against the Turks in 1647. Fortresses were built due to the vulnerability of the city and Ottoman attacks in the 17th century. Due to the frequent fear of attacks, a construction intervention is being carried out on the Barone fortress, which also received the status of a fortress. The Barone Fortress represents the priceless cultural heritage of the city of Šibenik and has its own story of great courage and victory. With the help of technology, events from the 17th century were brought to life and in this way visitors were shown how the battles with the Ottoman Empire took place. In addition to the museum and cultural center, a children's playground and a restaurant with a wonderful view of the city of Šibenik, the bay and nearby islands are available to visitors.
230 abantu bendawo batusa
I-Barone Fortress
Put Vuka Mandušića
230 abantu bendawo batusa
It was built in 1646 northeast of Šibenik's historical core and former city walls, at the same time as the fortress of St. Ivan, and together with her played a significant role in the defense of the city against the Turks in 1647. Fortresses were built due to the vulnerability of the city and Ottoman attacks in the 17th century. Due to the frequent fear of attacks, a construction intervention is being carried out on the Barone fortress, which also received the status of a fortress. The Barone Fortress represents the priceless cultural heritage of the city of Šibenik and has its own story of great courage and victory. With the help of technology, events from the 17th century were brought to life and in this way visitors were shown how the battles with the Ottoman Empire took place. In addition to the museum and cultural center, a children's playground and a restaurant with a wonderful view of the city of Šibenik, the bay and nearby islands are available to visitors.