Izinto ezingavamile ongazenza e-South America

Izinto ezingavamile ongazenza e-South America

Bhukha izinto ezenziwayo ezingenakulibaleka ezibungazwa abantu bendawo ku-Airbnb.

Okwenziwayo okusezingeni eliphezulu

El Yunque Waterfall, Rope swing, Waterslide & transportation
Embark on a thrilling odyssey into the enchanting El Yunque Rainforest! Dive into the heart of nature with a 30-minute expedition to a pristine mineral water oasis, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, perfect for swimming and an exhilarating rope swing experience. Continue your adventure with a 15-minute hike to another hidden watering hole, complete with an invigorating river slide. Traverse through bamboo forests, guava trees, and century-old flora, uncovering secret waterslides along the way. This escapade provides an authentic local perspective on El Yunque, intertwining historical insights and ecological wonders. Conclude your journey by supporting a local small business, indulging in wallet-friendly, grandma-style Puerto Rican cuisine. This sustainable adventure, inclusive of transportation, ensures an unforgettable and eco-conscious exploration of both nature and culture. Enjoy a real Puerto Rico Adventure! Other things to note Optimal physical fitness is a prerequisite, and complimentary transportation is provided from the designated meeting point. Tours scheduled after the 10:30 am booking time will not include meal breaks.(food is not part of the experience) so the experience may finish 1hr before the time.
Comuna Trece "Mágica", Vive el Graffiti tour con Guía Local
¡Descubre el tour más completo de la Comuna 13, una experiencia inolvidable que te sumergirá en un mundo de historia, arte y autenticidad! Este emocionante recorrido se realiza a pie y te llevará a paradas estratégicamente seleccionadas para desvelar la riqueza de esta comunidad. Caminarás por nuestras calles impregnadas de color y pintura, escucharás historias narradas por la vida misma de quienes habitan aquí y serás testigo de las únicas escaleras eléctricas en toda Latinoamérica En un barrio. Pero eso no es todo. En este viaje, tendrás la oportunidad de saborear uno de nuestros productos más emblemáticos y disfrutar de panorámicas impresionantes de la ciudad de Medellín. Pero lo más especial es que tendrás acceso a lugares que, hace no mucho tiempo, eran inexplorables para muchos. En este tour, no solo explorarás la Comuna 13, sino que vivirás su transformación en tiempo real. Nuestro punto más destacado: somos guías locales de la Comuna 13, apasionados por mostrar al mundo que el cambio es posible. Hemos pasado de ser uno de los lugares más violentos de Medellín a convertirnos en el destino número 1 para los visitantes. Únete a nosotros y sé parte de esta asombrosa historia de resiliencia y esperanza. ¡Reserva tu aventura ahora y sé testigo de un verdadero milagro de transformación! Estamos legalmente constituidos con Registro Nacional de Turismo No.84040
Sunset Sailboat Tour in Rio de Janeiro
The tour starts at the middle of the afternoon at the pier in Urca near to Bar urca. We will sail by the Fortress of São João, Fortress Laje and Fortress Santa Cruz, and close to the Island of Boa Viagem in Niterói. There will be one stop point at Adão e Eva beach or Praia Vermelha, perfect for picture taking and if you are interested to swim! Then we will pass by the Museum of Contemporary Art and sail back with the amazing view of the sunset on the horizon. There are gorgeous views of Sugar Loaf and Christ the Redeemer throughout the ride, as they are central to the scenery of Rio's coast. The tour finishes after the sunset to make the most of this amazing view of the city. Other things to note You must bring your camera, sunscreen, swimsuit and flip flops.
Teleférico graffitour en comuna trece arte callejero todo in
¿PRIMER VEZ EN MEDELLIN? Ven y descubre con la compañia de personas propias del lugar como LA COMUNA 13 uno de los lugares mas peligrosos del mundo años atras pudo renacer y reinventarse por medio del arte, el cual esta presente por muchas de sus calles y en sus habitantes. Realizaremos el recorrido en el metrocable para ofrecerte una perspeectiva de la comuna desde el aire, para despues dirigirnos hacia el barrio 20 Julio donde daremos inicio al muy famoso GRAFFITTI TOUR el cual se realiza sobre 3 de los barrios de la comuna. Dentro de la experiencia tendras la oportunidad de apreciar el proyecto escaleras electricas UNICO EN LATINOAMERICA el cual tiene un gran componenete social para la comunidad. Todo esto lo realizaremos en radio de 2.5 Kilometros, es un recorrido facil y divertido. En medio de nuestra experincia tendras la opcion de probar un snack y bebida, productos locales de la comuna.
Bites & Sights Walking San Jose Experience
If you want to get to know San Jose as a local and taste its flavors, nothing could get you closer to authentic San Jose than walking through the streets and the markets with a local as they show you the anecdotes and outs of daily life. On this experience you’ll get up close and personal with Costa Rican life, through local food, history, culture and even the herbal remedies of folk medicine. Enjoy a hands-on lesson on exotic plants, fruits, vegetables, and more in the Borbon Market. From here, we’ll take a stroll through the vibrant Central Market, tasting caldosa (ceviche) and continuing along local roads towards the the Cathedral, National Theater, and the beautiful parks Morazan, will help you get to know the country and its rich history and from this experience, you’ll have another sense , taste to get more in tune with San Jose. For the end visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop a store where you will find gourmet coffees and chocolates produced by women, in this special place tasting and learn to prepare coffee, enjoy a tamal , cooked by local families and wrapped in a banana leaf, learn how to make plantain empanadas with cheese, and try our famous Agua de Sapo, make with sugar cañe, lemon and ginger.

Kuthandwa abantu bendawo

Passeios a cavalos uma nova experiência
Criamos cavalos a mais de 15 anos, utilizamos o método Horsemanship (Equitação natural), onde o cavaleiro e o animal desenvolve um relacionamento de confiança. O primeiro passo é apresentar os animais ao hospede, fazer com que conheça e seja conhecido, proporcionando uma interação. Após a aprendizagem fazemos um passeio de aproximadamente 1:30 hora em estradas e trilhas. Os hóspedes tem uma experiência de aproximação com os cavalos, entendendo que apesar do seu tamanho os equinos são sociáveis, sensíveis e dóceis. Venha ter uma experiência rural com animais, bem próximo de uma das maiores metrópole do mundo. Outras observações Cavalos tranquilos, trajeto de nível fácil. Os hóspedes que forem fazer o passeio devem trajar calça comprida e calçados fechado. POLÍTICA DE GESTÃO DA SEGURANÇA (SGS) ÓREAS TOUR Para alcançar a excelência em todos os seus serviços e operações, a Óreas Tour definiu um conjunto de princípios para orientar suas ações: 1. Aplicar as normas do turismo de aventura e legislação correlata para garantir a segurança, qualidade e legalidade das atividades oferecidas; 2. Identificar, avaliar e tratar todos os riscos envolvidos nas atividades oferecidas; 3. Trabalhar constantemente pela satisfação dos nossos clientes e da nossa equipe; 4. Buscar a melhoria contínua do SGS e processos internos relacionados.
Rolê & Esquenta na Santa Cecília & Barra Funda - Promissor
Bora conhecer um pouco da região com a boemia mais promissora e musical de São Paulo? O rolê & esquenta na Santa Cecília & Barra Funda (SC&BF) vai te apresentar uma cena de diversão e música em plena expansão que está pulsando cada vez mais no coração da maior cidade do país. Primeiro, a gente se encontra em um bar charmoso em uma praça na Santa Cecília. Depois, cruzamos o Minhocão, o Parque Suspenso de São Paulo. Em seguida, caminhamos pela região da Barra Funda passando por vários bares em que a música é a principal protagonista. Tem de tudo um pouco, viu? Mas o que mais toca são brasilidades, com foco em um bom samba ao vivo. Ah!, a gente vai dar de 3 a 4 paradas para curtir alguns bares específicos, conversar, ouvir música e, por que não, dançar! Depois de duas horas e meia, brindamos para encerrar o tour, MAAASSS não vai faltar sugestões do que fazer depois dele, seja na região, seja fora dela, assim como de drinks autorais (dos bares) ou tradicionais aqui de Sampa. Partiu? ;) Ah! Aqui a experiência é amigável a todo tipo de gente (LGBT / LGBTQ / gay / minas / monas / manas). Nossa regra é o respeito!
Jantar às Cegas Sabores e sensações e sentidos
Jantar às Cegas - Sabores, sensações e sentidos A gente não sabe exatamente como esse tipo de experiência começou, mas foi na Suíça em 1999, que um pastor cego, que queria promover a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência fez os maiores avanços. Por aqui, desde 2014 a Chef Mariana Pelozio promove o Jantar às Cegas. “Nosso grande objetivo é levar o participante à uma experiência individual com seus próprios sentidos. O jantar é todo guiado para que o participante mergulhe nas suas próprias memórias, na sua criatividade e intuição. A alimentação tem o poder de nos transformar de dentro pra fora. Esse é o objetivo do jantar. Muito mais que um momento divertido de “abre a boca e fecha os olhos, adivinha o que você está comendo”, o Jantar às Cegas tem o objetivo de fazer o participante mergulhar em seus próprios instintos e sentidos” explica a Chef Mariana Pelozio Em cada jantar o participante será surpreendido em como é possível aguçar e descobrir novas sensações em sabores até então escondidos. O participante só descobrirá o cardápio na hora do jantar, por isso é muito importante que no ato da compra o participante deixe claro se tem alguma restrição alimentar como: - Gravidez - Vegetariano - Alergia - Restrição religiosa Entre cada prato, intervenções sensoriais despertarão os sentidos para o próximo prato que está por vir... Harmonização com vinhos e outras bebidas
Conheçam a gastronômia Venezuelana
Na minha experiência, você pode participar e ficar a vontade disfrutando das delicias do meu país, colocando toda sua energia em degustar cada um dos pratos servidos na mesa, entre eles algumas sobremesa Venezuelanas como nosso bolo de 3 leites, também vou te falar pouco sobre os ingredientes e a história da nossa culinaria. E no final vc poderá levar para casa alem de umá linda experiência gastronomica, uma porçao da comidinha que vc mais gostou. É uma experiência única para compartilhar com amigos e familiares!! Outras observações Por favor nos informe se você tem alguma condição alimentar ou alergia, para que possamos fazer todo personalizado com muito carinho.
Jewelry Making Class and Drinks, Leave With Your Own Piece
PT - Nossa Experiência de Aula de Joalheria vai te ensinar como fazer sua própria joia com a criadora e designer da "189. Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira" Stephanie Perla. Você vai fazer a peça do zero e sair com sua peça única. Venha encontrar o joalheiro que há dentro de você com muita risada, conversa boa e um drink para finalizar! Te espero na 189.joalheria para um dia de muita arte! EN - Our Jewelry Class Experience will teach you how to make your own jewel with our creator and designer of "189. Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira" Stephanie Perla. You'll make it from scratch and leave the class with your one of a kind piece. Come find your inner jeweler with lots of laughter, good talk and afterwards cheer with a drink. ESP - Nuestra Experiencia de Clase de Fabricación de Joyas le enseñará a fabricar sus propias joyas con "189. Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira" y diseñadora Stephanie Perla. Harás la pieza desde cero y te irás con tu propia pieza única. ¡Ven a encontrar al joyero que llevas dentro con muchas risas, buena conversación y un drink para terminar!

Inesilinganiso esiphakeme ngenxa yokwehluka

Experience the Africa hidden in Colombia
We will take a cultural walk around the Palenqe of Benkos, off the beaten path, where you will be immersed in the Africa hidden in Colombia. We named it Black Legacy Experience, because it is definitely an essential place for our black history in Colombia. This town hosts a sort of spin off of Cartagena's history in timeline. We are new in Airbnb, but you can check out a bit of our trajectory on IG @blacklegacyexperiences We’ll pick you up, and here begins our journey. We’ll be on the road for around 60 minutes. There, we meet our friend, the native guide and we start our walk. We visit meaningful spots such as the monuments of Benkos Biohó (the town founder) and Kid Pambelé (World Boxing Champion) and the Traditional medicine yard, among others. After that, we conclude with a glorious traditional lunch. We also learn some words in their language as we tell you the story, so you'll be able to greet natives and you'll receive, not only their greeting back, but also their smiles. So, be prepared to interact and experience this community of resistant and warm people. BTW: We manage this experience by private circles for your safety and comfort, so please check your price depending on the number of people you’re coming with. Applies for solo, couple or group travelers. Any questions, DO NOT hesitate to contact us. Sigifredo Calvo is our friend and vehicle provider
Clase de cocina tradicional oaxaqueña
Bienvenidos! El primer paso será mostrarte los ingredientes que puedes encontrar en los hogares oaxaqueños, una de las ventajas de nuestra experiencia es que contamos con un jardín con hierbas y chiles orgánicos. Elaboramos quesillo y queso fresco todos los días. Mi hijo Baldo compartirá su conocimiento acerca del mezcal, una cata en la cual podrás tomar degustar tanto como gustes, además de agua fresca, refrescos y jugos. Botanas? Claro que si, pero lo tienes que hacer al estilo oaxaqueño, lo que significa gusanos, chicatanas y chapulines. ¿Has escuchado algo sobre el metate y como se hacen las tortillas a mano? además de tortillas elaboraremos tetelas, memelas y tlayudas. Haremos diferentes salsas utilizando ingredientes de la temporada todo cocinado sobre comal, leña y brasas al carbón. El mole es un emblema de la cocina oaxaqueña y cocinaremos uno de los 7 moles utilizando el metate. No te puedes ir sin probar el mole negro, chocolate de agua, café de olla, nieves y un rico pastel. Todos participaran en los procesos, cortando, moliendo, elaborando salsas y por supuesto comiendo, recuerda cuando visitas una casa en Oaxaca tienes que venir con el estomago vacío. Las clases están disponibles en Inglés y español. Ofrecemos clases para veganos y vegetarianos siempre y cuando me lo hagan saber con anticipación. Me llena de emoción enseñarte todo sobre la cocina oaxaqueña.
Cooking with a Costa Rican Family
After booking our experiences, you will arrive at our kitchen where you will be very welcome and where you will share a good time with an authentic Costa Rican family. After introducing ourselves and getting to know each other over a refreshing drink, we will take you on a tour of our organic garden, where you will learn about the different crops and aromatic plants, followed by picking some of the ingredients that we will use for the preparation of our dish. When we return to the kitchen we will prepare a refreshing mojito to proceed to prepare a typical dish with fresh ingredients, produced by us and our neighbors. At the end of the preparation of the dish, we will consume everything prepared in a family atmosphere. If you come with more time than agreed there is a good chance to observe some animals such as frogs, birds and sloth that live in our garden.
Eat & make chocolates at local Factory
Podrás recibir un taller de chocolatería con degustación completa de todos los subproductos del cacao. Desde el inicio conocerás brevemente la historia del cacao en América, probando fruta fresca de cacao, luego semillas deshidratadas y tostadas, nibs, polvo de cacao. Luego pondremos manos a la obra con la chocolatería más moderna, conocerás cómo preparar cacao puro, para seguidamente lograr distintas concentraciones de cacao en la pasta de chocolate oscuro (70%, 85% y 100%). Con estos realizarás diversos chocolates con todos los ingredientes locales que tenemos disponibles y ¡uses tu creatividad! Finalmente te daremos los materiales (ecoamigables) para que empaques tus propias creaciones y tengas un recuerdo perfecto de tu viaje a Costa Rica.
Secretos del Asado en Buenos Aires
Sean todos bienvenidos a @thesecretsofasado ! Donde aprendemos haciendo y ustedes son los protagonistas! La experiencia será en un PATIO FAMILIAR AL AIRE LIBRE, en el cual cada participante contará con su ESPACIO PROPIO para poder intervenir y cenar plácidamente, mientras tomamos todos los recaudos para mantener la SEGURIDAD. Aprenderemos a preparar y disfrutaremos de: -Provoleta -Chorizo y morcilla -Tira de Asado -Bife de Chorizo -Chimichurri -Vinos Premium -Torta con Dulce de Leche -Café Colombiano o Té La preparación de cada uno de estos platos tiene un secreto y un truco para alcanzar la perfección y evitar disgustos. Vamos a develarlos todos. ¿Cuánto tiempo asar la carne? ¿A cuánta temperatura? ¿Cómo condimentarla? Estas preguntas y muchas más encontraran respuesta en un bellísimo jardín al calor del fuego. Además a lo largo de la noche les enseñaremos el significado cultural del asado argentino, su historia y sus orígenes que están ligados a la génesis de nuestra identidad nacional. Nuestro objetivo es que ustedes pasen una velada mágnifica y puedan hacer un asado argentino en cualquier parte del mundo con amigos y familia, en cualquier lugar que puedan llamar "hogar". **Hay opción vegetariana, por favor solicitar al reservar. ***A 10 minutos caminando de Palermo y 30 minutos en transporte público de San Telmo. ****Souvenirs sorpresa

Konke okwenziwayo eduze ne-South America

El Yunque Rainforest with transportation and authentic food
Live a true El Yunque rainforest experience with a local. Excellent for foodies and adventure fans. We visit 2 waterfalls and the famous waterslide. TRANSPORTATION INCLUDED. Adventure to pure rainforest and learn the history of its unique flora & fauna like iguanas, guava trees, bamboos and 300 year old trees. We drive to the East side of El Yunque Rainforest. On arrival we do a 30 minute hike to the first waterfall & watering hole. There you can enjoy the landscape, swim in the water, and scenic waterfall. Further up, after a 15 minute hike (High difficulty level), there is another waterfall with a natural waterslide. We end the trip by stopping for lunch at a local family owned restaurant that serves authentic grandma style food (Food not included in price). The hike for these outdoor wonders requires regular shoes with “good grip” that can get wet and muddy. The trail is very muddy and clothes will get fully wet. NO FLIPS FLOPS OR CROCS ALLOWED. Safety is my priority and we will have a fun adventure to show you the authentic essence of Puerto Rico & secret gems of the rainforest. Good Physical Condition required. Hike can be challenging for participants that are not active or exercise regularly. Bring water, towels/change of clothes for a full day of fun and beautiful new experiences. Tour start times can change depending on the season.
El Yunque Waterfall, Rope swing, Waterslide & transportation
Embark on a thrilling odyssey into the enchanting El Yunque Rainforest! Dive into the heart of nature with a 30-minute expedition to a pristine mineral water oasis, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, perfect for swimming and an exhilarating rope swing experience. Continue your adventure with a 15-minute hike to another hidden watering hole, complete with an invigorating river slide. Traverse through bamboo forests, guava trees, and century-old flora, uncovering secret waterslides along the way. This escapade provides an authentic local perspective on El Yunque, intertwining historical insights and ecological wonders. Conclude your journey by supporting a local small business, indulging in wallet-friendly, grandma-style Puerto Rican cuisine. This sustainable adventure, inclusive of transportation, ensures an unforgettable and eco-conscious exploration of both nature and culture. Enjoy a real Puerto Rico Adventure! Other things to note Optimal physical fitness is a prerequisite, and complimentary transportation is provided from the designated meeting point. Tours scheduled after the 10:30 am booking time will not include meal breaks.(food is not part of the experience) so the experience may finish 1hr before the time.
Get to know Rio main attractions -7h
In this experience, we will pick you up at your place* and take you to visit the most important spots in the city. We will start visiting Christ the Redeemer Statue first thing, so we can avoid lines and get the best shots for your photos**; next, the neighborhood of Santa Teresa, an artistic zone with it's exclusive tram and then the Selarón Staircase, one of the most famous touristic spots of Rio. From there we'll go to the Metropolitan Cathedral, a unique bulding in the Center of Rio. Afterwards, we visit the Tijuca Forest, with waterfalls and wild animals and the neighborhood of São Conrado, where we can see the hang gliders landing on the beach. We stop for lunch*** right after that and by the end you have two options: we can either take you back home or to the Sugar Loaf, where you can take a cable car to the top of this magnific hill. During the whole time, we'll be telling you all about the places we'll be visiting and will anwser all your question. *Pick up at some areas of the south zone of Rio. If you are in another region, like Barra da Tijuca, we will set a meeting point ***Lunch is not price included. *** Sugar Loaf ticket is not price included
La Leona Waterfall Hike
*** FREE roundtrip transportation provided from Curubande downtown to the Waterfall *** Let us know if you need transportation and we can quote you the service with a local driver from town. Our day starts by meeting at our office located 20 min away from Liberia downtown through the small villages of Colorado and Curubande. We count with two parking lots at our location in Curubande where you can leave your car safe while we do the hike. From Curubande we will take a 4WD for 1 km that will take us to the entrance of the waterfall trail and here is where the hike begins. The waterfall is well hidden away on the outskirts of Rincon de la Vieja Volcano . The trail is 1.3 Miles (2 Kilometers) singletrack so together it is 4 km. There are some climbing to do in elevation and some caves to go across. Later to reach the waterfall we have to swim 25 meters through a beautiful turquoise river canyon. This is a local experience that takes place where the Blanco and the Colorado rivers cross through, forming canyons and beautiful scenery which is why the water in their pools have that special turquoise tint.
Two Brothers the most beautiful hike in Rio
Hike Two Brothers - Brings you to arguably the best view in Rio! An experience for the more adventurous, going up the Favela via **MOTO TAXI** and then hiking up the trail, passing through a territory unknown (Favela Vidigal). The view stretches 365 degrees around the city. You'll see the Christ statue, Lagoa, Sugar Loaf, Ilhas Cagarras, Niterói and the Bay of Rio which are all visible at the peak. There isn't another place in the city of Rio besides Pedra da Gávea that has this unique view! ****(We also offer the best rated and most impactful FAVELA TOUR here in Rio de Janeiro). Dont just book any tour. **** Come with Experience Rio, why? 1. We employ guides from Vidigal. 2. It's always better to have a local guide when entering a Favela. 3. With experience Rio, you will be led by professional guides with knowledge about the history of Vidigal/Rocinha + Rio. 4. Our guides are here to specifically make sure your time is amazing, we will show you all the best places for photos and of course take a few for the gram! 4. (5%) of profits goes to cleaning the trail + reforestation. 5. 15% goes back to the Favela through our Favela tour (so please check it out!) *READ:The hike is medium/hard level with difficult rock inclines!! 1 hr of hiking UP which equates to roughly 350M in elevation. NOT recommend for those with health issues or who doesn't hike. Book a private tour!
Aventura en Buggy desde Punta cana Playa macao y cueva
Acompáñame a una emocionante y divertida aventura en “buggy car”, la misma recorrerá paisajes y plantaciones de café, cacao y tabaco. Nota: hay posibilidades de que el vehículo se apague por el agua y el fango pero nuestro mecánicos estarán ahí para ayudarles. Los buggy son dobles para 2 personas y familiar para 4 ( Las reserva son de 2 personas en adelante ) El recorrido empieza desde el momento que estés en nuestro transporte , dura en total de aproximadamente de 4 horas desde el momento de la recogida. Visitaremos una casa típica dominicana donde conocerá los diferentes procesos y productos de los cultivos recorridos y podrá deleitarse de un mundo nuevo de sabores y olores de nuestra patria. Continuaremos el recorrido en “buggy car” hacia Playa Macao. Permítase nadar en sus refrescantes aguas. Luego conduciremos hasta llegar a una cueva subterránea de aguas cristalinas, donde podrá disfrutar de un exótico y refrescante baño. Será un día al aire libre lleno de diversión para aquellos que buscan gozar de la belleza natural de la República Dominicana. Incluye: • Transporte ida y vuelta al hotel • Alquiler de los “buggy car” • Guías profesionales • Casco de Seguridad Recomendaciones: Cámara fotográfica Bloqueador solar Ropa deportiva y tenis Traje de baño Gorra, gafas y pañuelo Atención al cliente 24\7
Tour por la laguna en cómoda embarcación a motor
Te esperaremos en el Muelle de Amura Restaurante 15 minutos antes de la hora del tour. El capitán se presentará con el grupo y dará la información e instrucciones necesarias para disfrutar al máximo la experiencia. ¡Comienza la aventura! Durante este recorrido podrás conocer los sitios más importantes de la Laguna de los 7 colores. Navegarás por los diferentes cenotes (Negro, Esmeralda y Cocalitos), nadarás en las aguas cristalinas del famoso Canal de los Piratas, y disfrutarás de la calma y belleza de la Isla de los Pájaros, donde podrás avistar diferentes especies de aves locales y migratorias dependiendo de la temporada. Nos encanta consentirlos. Es por eso que el capitán los esperará en la embarcación con un snack con las mejores frutas de estación, aguas y una cerveza helada de cortesía.
Comuna Trece "Mágica", Vive el Graffiti tour con Guía Local
¡Descubre el tour más completo de la Comuna 13, una experiencia inolvidable que te sumergirá en un mundo de historia, arte y autenticidad! Este emocionante recorrido se realiza a pie y te llevará a paradas estratégicamente seleccionadas para desvelar la riqueza de esta comunidad. Caminarás por nuestras calles impregnadas de color y pintura, escucharás historias narradas por la vida misma de quienes habitan aquí y serás testigo de las únicas escaleras eléctricas en toda Latinoamérica En un barrio. Pero eso no es todo. En este viaje, tendrás la oportunidad de saborear uno de nuestros productos más emblemáticos y disfrutar de panorámicas impresionantes de la ciudad de Medellín. Pero lo más especial es que tendrás acceso a lugares que, hace no mucho tiempo, eran inexplorables para muchos. En este tour, no solo explorarás la Comuna 13, sino que vivirás su transformación en tiempo real. Nuestro punto más destacado: somos guías locales de la Comuna 13, apasionados por mostrar al mundo que el cambio es posible. Hemos pasado de ser uno de los lugares más violentos de Medellín a convertirnos en el destino número 1 para los visitantes. Únete a nosotros y sé parte de esta asombrosa historia de resiliencia y esperanza. ¡Reserva tu aventura ahora y sé testigo de un verdadero milagro de transformación! Estamos legalmente constituidos con Registro Nacional de Turismo No.84040
Sunset Sailboat Tour in Rio de Janeiro
The tour starts at the middle of the afternoon at the pier in Urca near to Bar urca. We will sail by the Fortress of São João, Fortress Laje and Fortress Santa Cruz, and close to the Island of Boa Viagem in Niterói. There will be one stop point at Adão e Eva beach or Praia Vermelha, perfect for picture taking and if you are interested to swim! Then we will pass by the Museum of Contemporary Art and sail back with the amazing view of the sunset on the horizon. There are gorgeous views of Sugar Loaf and Christ the Redeemer throughout the ride, as they are central to the scenery of Rio's coast. The tour finishes after the sunset to make the most of this amazing view of the city. Other things to note You must bring your camera, sunscreen, swimsuit and flip flops.
Teleférico graffitour en comuna trece arte callejero todo in
¿PRIMER VEZ EN MEDELLIN? Ven y descubre con la compañia de personas propias del lugar como LA COMUNA 13 uno de los lugares mas peligrosos del mundo años atras pudo renacer y reinventarse por medio del arte, el cual esta presente por muchas de sus calles y en sus habitantes. Realizaremos el recorrido en el metrocable para ofrecerte una perspeectiva de la comuna desde el aire, para despues dirigirnos hacia el barrio 20 Julio donde daremos inicio al muy famoso GRAFFITTI TOUR el cual se realiza sobre 3 de los barrios de la comuna. Dentro de la experiencia tendras la oportunidad de apreciar el proyecto escaleras electricas UNICO EN LATINOAMERICA el cual tiene un gran componenete social para la comunidad. Todo esto lo realizaremos en radio de 2.5 Kilometros, es un recorrido facil y divertido. En medio de nuestra experincia tendras la opcion de probar un snack y bebida, productos locales de la comuna.
Bites & Sights Walking San Jose Experience
If you want to get to know San Jose as a local and taste its flavors, nothing could get you closer to authentic San Jose than walking through the streets and the markets with a local as they show you the anecdotes and outs of daily life. On this experience you’ll get up close and personal with Costa Rican life, through local food, history, culture and even the herbal remedies of folk medicine. Enjoy a hands-on lesson on exotic plants, fruits, vegetables, and more in the Borbon Market. From here, we’ll take a stroll through the vibrant Central Market, tasting caldosa (ceviche) and continuing along local roads towards the the Cathedral, National Theater, and the beautiful parks Morazan, will help you get to know the country and its rich history and from this experience, you’ll have another sense , taste to get more in tune with San Jose. For the end visit Mr. Sloth Coffee Shop a store where you will find gourmet coffees and chocolates produced by women, in this special place tasting and learn to prepare coffee, enjoy a tamal , cooked by local families and wrapped in a banana leaf, learn how to make plantain empanadas with cheese, and try our famous Agua de Sapo, make with sugar cañe, lemon and ginger.
A farm to table traditional Oaxaca Cooking Class
We start the day in our family farm to introduce ourselves and Oaxacan cooking to you over coffee or hot chocolate we will choose the menu for the day where you will become the main chef of this culinary experience we will go to the farm to collect fresh herbs & veggies we will walk 4 min to the local market to buy the remaining ingredients for our Oaxacan feast Back at home will start to work with metate to transform the corn into a handmade masa to make fresh tortillas you will cook, nopales, huitlacoche, shred quesillio to make quesadillas, empanadas, tetelas in the hot Comal that works with wood fire You will have a moles tasting I Will show you how to cook different kinds of salsas to enjoy brunch After a nice break and some mezcales, we will cook a real Oaxacan 3 course meal It could be any of the most representative moles or other things, there is so many options to choose from the cooking class always is different, it’s based on your curiosity and doubts so, feel free to Choose your own mole/cooking adventure! Sip a nice mezcal and refresh yourself with a beer enjoying a real traditional oaxacan feast under the shade trees This workshop is fully hands-on and the aim of this experience is to share knowledge and teach you how to cook it at home we aim to show to our guests the magic of Oaxaca food in the real traditional way also we can accommodate food restrictions
Five Top Sights in Zipaquira and Guatavita in One Day
Join me on my Great Tour and visit 5 important tourist attractions in one day. IT INCLUDES ROUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION, WE WILL PICK YOU UP AT YOUR HOTEL OR AIRBNB. The tour is done with small groups in car or van depending on the number of passengers, flexible and comfortable itinerary. I am ENGLISH and SPANISH Speaker Visit the following places: 1. Guatavita Lake 2. Guatavita Town 3. Zipaquira Salt Mine/Cathedral 4. Bogota Savanna 5. Typical Colombian Food Restaurant in Zipaquira Town In the Colonial town of Guatavita you walk with us through its main squares and old streets where we explain its history The Cathedral/Salt Mine of Zipaquira provides free audio guides in English and other languages In the Guatavita Lake (2 hours of moderate walking) and the Zipaquira Salt Mine/Cathedral you do the tour with the natives guides who only speak Spanish so we give you previous instructions in English to enjoy the tour The Bogotá savannah is a mixed ecosystem of forests, mountains and native animals outside Bogotá We have lunch in a typical Colombian restaurant tasting very representative dishes of the country. Entrance tickets and meals are not included The tour lasts 12 hours approx On Mondays the Guatavita lake is closed, it is replaced by the visit to "la Casa Loca"
Recorriendo Los Lugares Más Hermosos de Cuzco
Acompáñame a recorrer las calles más hermosas de Cusco y a crear recuerdos que no olvidarás. Esta experiencia comenzará con el recogo de su hotel y luego visitaremos el mercado San Pedro el mas importante y el mas antiguo del Cusco donde podra apreciar y degustar de nuestros productos locales . También pasaremos por las calles mas importantes de nuestra ciudad del Cusco donde usted conocerá la historia y cultura. Visitaremos los miradores mas impresionantes de la ciudad del Cusco como San Cristobal Verás todo esto y mucho . Recorrer la ciudad es muy fácil y divertido.
Rocinha Favela Tour Rio De Janeiro
Come see and experience the largest and most beautiful Favela in Rio, Rocinha!! I am a local resident of Favela Rocinha, was born here and know pretty much everyone; this is my home and I love this place! I want to introduce you to some of the sights, sounds, smells, and culture of this amazing Favela. I'll accompany you to some breathtaking viewpoints and also take you down the curvy streets to experience a bit of life in Rocinha. Don't worry... Rocinha is very safe and I will guide you down the safest streets and neighborhoods. I'll take you by local shops and markets to experience what life is really like in Rocinha. The price of the tour includes monetary contribution to the local community.