Ukusikisela kuzoboniswa ngemva kokuthayipha endaweni yokusesha. Sebenzisa imicibisholo ebheke phezulu naphansi ukuze ubuyekeze. Sebenzisa u-enter ukuze ukhethe. Uma okukhethile kungumusho, lowo musho uzothunyelwa ekusesheni. Uma ukusikisela kuyilinki, ibhrawuza izokuya kulelo khasi.
Indlela yokukwenza

Ukubika nokuvimbela

If you block someone, they won’t be able to send you messages, use Instant Book for your listings, send you a reservation request, or accept a reservation request from you. Blocking someone you have an upcoming reservation with is not possible.

Ukuze ubike umyalezo

Bika umyalezo kudeskithophu

  1. Iya kokuthi Imiyalezo bese ukhetha ingxoxo ofuna ukuyibika
  2. Emyalezweni, chofoza i-ayikhoni yamachashazi amathathu
  3. Chofoza okuthi Bika lo myalezo
  4. Khetha isizathu esenza ubike umyalezo bese uchofoza okuthi Ok
  5. Nikeza imininingwane eyengeziwe (uma kudingeka), bese uchofoza okuthi Thumela

Ngezizathu eziningi, uzokwazi ukukhetha ukuvimbela umuntu angaphinde akuthumelele imiyalezo.

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Ingabe le athikili ikusizile?

Izihloko ezihlobene

Thola usizo ngokubhukha kwakho, i-akhawunti, nokunye.
Ngena ku-akhawunti noma uvule i-akhawunti