Zinqunywa kanjani izindawo
Neighborhoods are automatically assigned to listings based on address. We work with cartographers, locals, and city experts to determine neighborhood boundaries and continually update our maps as they evolve over time.
If your neighborhood is a subset of a larger one, or if two neighborhoods overlap, your listing may show up in search results for both.
Choosing your neighborhood
You can’t edit your neighborhood, but you can change your listing’s address if you’ve never booked a reservation for it—otherwise, you’ll need to contact us.
To present a more detailed picture of your listing’s neighborhood, try customizing how your location shows up on the map or writing a more robust description.
Describing your location accurately
Travelers rely on accurate descriptions to get a sense of the area—you know it better than anyone, so your perspective is invaluable to them. To encourage trust in our community, Airbnb verifies listings. Also, Learn more about trust and safety at Airbnb.
Izihloko ezihlobene
- Bungaza
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I-Airbnb yamukela izinhlobonhlobo eziningi zezindlu kusayithi yethu uma nje zihlangabezana nezimfuneko zethu. Indlela yokulungisa ikheli lendlu yami njengoMbungazi oxhunywe ngesofthiwe
Ngeke ukwazi ukwenza izinguquko zamakheli ku-akhawunti yakho ngokuqondile ku-Airbnb noma ngomhlinzeki wakho wesofthiwe ngemva kokuba indlu i…Sesha ngendawo ezungeze idolobha elikhulu, uphawu lwezwe olwaziwayo noma ikheli
Ungasesha ngendawo ezungezile, into edumile, nokunye ngokuthayipha esikhaleni esithi Indawo noma usebenzise ibalazwe.